
Shaolin soccer full movie english dubbed free
Shaolin soccer full movie english dubbed free

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Shaolin Soccer Dubbed English Download Files Directly However, this backfires and when Mui reveals her feelings to him, he tells her he only wants to be her friend.Ĭonstant bullying from her overbearing boss, leads Mui to disappear.

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Sing and Fung attempt to put together an unbeatable soccer team.įung invites a vicious team to play against them and the thugs proceed to give the Shaolin team a brutal beating. He is compelled by the idea of promoting kung fu through soccer and agrees to enlist his former Shaolin brothers to form a team under Fungs management. Sing explains his desires to Fung who offers his services to coach Sing in soccer. He then meets Golden Foot Fung, a legendary Hong Kong soccer star in his day, who is now walking with a limp, following the betrayal of a former teammate Hung, now a rich businessman.

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He experiments with various methods, but none bear positive results. Shaolin Soccer (2001), Sing is a master of Shaolin Kung Fu, whose goal in life is to promote the spiritual and practical benefits of the art to modern society. Not Rated Synopsis A young Shaolin follower reunites with his discouraged brothers to form a soccer team using their martial art skills to their advantage. Shaolin Soccer Dubbed English By sioljuntioskin1980 Follow | Public

Shaolin soccer full movie english dubbed free